The Bad Ass Angry Bitch Syndicate

The Bad Ass Angry Bitch Syndicate

Bullies and predators are emboldened.
Women and other vulnerable people are being targeted and harassed.
We need to adapt to our new reality so we can survive & thrive.
We need to turn our fear into anger.
Stop being surprised and start anticipating.
Stop ignoring bad behavior and start challenging it.
We aren't going to take it anymore!


In a world where one's outward appearance and apparel can be interpreted by bullies as an invitation for harassment, sexual assault and violence, we need to send a clear message that we are not going to tolerate it:

1. WEAR RED - Red is a warning of DANGER in nature.

2. ACCESSORIZE - Some may take your warning as a challenge. Therefore, you should accessorize accordingly. Master your accessories.